Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer’s: Search for a Cure -by Terence Flynn- Managing Director
Goldman Sachs
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating neurological disorder that affects more than 40 million people worldwide. Alzheimer's disease afflicts 5.7 million people in the United States alone, at an annual cost of $216 billion in 2015, according to the Alzheimer's Association.
Without a therapeutic breakthrough, the number of Americans with Alzheimer's disease is expected to double by 2050, as a new case will develop every 33 seconds. About 3 percent of men and women ages 65 to 74 have Alzheimer's disease, and nearly half of those age 85 and older may have the disease.
Alzheimer's disease is characterised by the destruction of neurones that produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter present in the cerebral cortex. This causes impaired memory, judgement, and the ability to reason.
Currently marketed drugs for AD do not prevent or reverse this disease and are approved only for the management of symptoms. There are more than 156 drugs candidates have failed in the late stage clinical trials from 1998 to 2018. Today, Alzheimer's disease is the only major disease that cannot be prevented, stopped or cured.
Driven by the clear unmet medical need and a better understanding of the biology and pathophysiology of AD, our research team have been carrying out research and conducting clinical trials of our new Alzheimer's drugs, NA-831™ and NA-704™ over the past several years.
NeuroActiva™ focuses on developing of treatment of Alzheimer's disease:
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is the only cause of death in the top 10 in America that cannot be prevented, cured or slowed. Alzheimer is the 6th leading cause of death in the USA.
NeuroActiva™ research focuses on the neuroprotection and regeneration of cells and tissue with its ability to repair damage caused by disease, trauma or age.
Our new platform of neuroprotective and neurogenesis drugs for treatment of Alzheimer including Traneurocin™ (NA-831™) which will be in Phase 3 in 2020.
Traneurocin™ (NA-831™)
Traneurocin™ (NA-831™) protect damaged neurons and stimulates regeneration of neurons, outgrowth of electrically active fibres, restoration of neuronal function, a major clinical feature of both Alzheimer's disease.
MICROS™ Infusion System
The MICROS™ is a FDA approved disposable infusion system for intravenous administration of injectable drugs, including Traneurocin for treatment of neurological diseases.