
Research on Neuroprotection

  Neuronal injury contributes significantly to functional impairment in a wide variety of peripheral and central nervous system disorders. Such disorders include chronic diseases such as diabetes, AIDS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Neurological impairments characteristic of these disorders include loss of coordination and inability to walk, memory loss, inability to concentrate and other cognitive deficits. Such impairments often become progressively worse over weeks and years thus leading to chronic dysfunction. An effective neuroprotectant may be able to slow this progression of functional capacity. Current therapies do not adequately treat such dyst-functional neurological conditions. Thus, an effective neuroprotectant drug could provide substantial new therapeutic benefit for many groups of patients.

The role of the NMDA Receptor in Neuronal Injury Nerve cells communicate by sending signals that excite or inhibit each other via chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters bind to receptors embedded in the cell membranes of neurons. The most common excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate, binds to the NMDA receptor. When activated by glutamate, the NMDA receptor opens a channel in the cell membrane through which electrically charged calcium ions pass. Calcium flows into the cell, reversing the electrical charge of the neuron. This process stimulates the neuron to send signals to adjacent neurons. 

Normal functioning of NMDA receptors is essential to cognitive activities of thought, movement and perception. Normally, neurotransmitter levels are highly regulated by the nervous system. In certain medical conditions, injured nerve cells become unable to control the normal release of neurotransmitters and "dump" excess glutamate into the extracellular environment. Excess glutamate results in overexcitation of the NMDA receptor allowing excess calcium to enter the affected neurons . These neurons may then swell and rupture, releasing more glutamate into the surrounding area, which in turn overexcites NMDA receptors on adjacent neurons. This cascade of neuronal injury, referred to as "excitotoxicity," follows acute conditions such as stroke and traumatic brain injury. Damaged nerve cells also appear to release excess glutamate in certain chronic conditions such as neuropathic pain and dementia.

NMDA Receptor Antagonists

Drug candidates that prevent excessive activation of the NMDA receptor, termed NMDA receptor antagonists, reduce the potentially damaging and lethal influx of calcium into neurons. There is presently considerable medical and commercial interest in developing NMDA receptor antagonists to treat neurodegenerative disorders. Many NMDA receptor antagonists previously evaluated in human clinical trials either prevented glutamate from binding to the NMDA receptor, or blocked the NMDA receptor channel for a longer period of time than was safe. While they protected neurons from excitotoxicity, they also prevented normal signal communication and interfered with essential functioning. Such interference resulted, in some cases, in hallucinations, psychosis or even coma. The first NMDA receptor antagonist tested in humans, Merck's MK-801, produced such neuropsychiatric side effects. A well-known NMDA receptor antagonist, phencyclidine, is also overly potent, producing undesirable effects as well. Certain other compounds tested in clinical trials have also shown serious side effects similar to those of MK-801.

Research program at Neurobiogen



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